Friday, March 27, 2009

Master Status... Over Our Own Attitudes

I haven't posted here in awhile. Mostly, when I have had time, I have posted to my other blog, The Brick Street Bungalow. Spring is such a beautiful time in East Texas. Just incredible. With a hectic scurrying to finish preparations for the Historic Tyler on Tour (April 3-5 for any of you interested), I've been on a mission to mission mode. Not much time to consider things... but, definitely soaking up the beauty... Living The Good Life.

It is all about attitude. Half-full/Half-empty. Knowing this. Having it reconfirmed at every turn. Why do, on occasion, I let outside sources determine whether or not I am happy??? You would think at 52 I might be mastering that a bit more... And, I can tell you I have "come a long way, baby"... still, I would like to move to master status over my own attitude. I am at a masters age group in every other activity! I always rebound to half-full... but, I can fall off in a funk and take awhile getting back! What gives us solid focus on our own attitude? How do we not become distracted by outside sources?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Beginning Yoga 101 at the Windhorse Yoga Studio

Along the lines of trying new things, I signed up for Beginning Yoga 101 at the Windhorse Yoga Studio. It is crystal clear to me that I could use some flexibility (physical and mental). Even more so now that I have attended three classes. I STILL think my ankles are going to explode in the hero pose (just sitting back with your legs folded under you, beside your bottom).

I love the yoga studio. The owners aced tranquil and attractive. Our instructor is passionate about yoga. I appreciate all who have passion. So, maybe with love of my surroundings and appreciation of my instructor, I will be able to withstand the restrictions of my body long enough to develop some flexibility! =)

She says it is like water dripping on a rock... Think I will live long enough to sit without pain?


And light... Have to love that! Katie is a newby to yoga, too. We are having fun.

See what I mean?

Gleaming... clean... simple... serene... with a hint of the exotic...


yeah, yeah... that's just how I do it... =)

Graceful... THAT'S what I want to be... =)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bumper Sticker of the Day

May I just say that I get it!! I can remember as a child that it took FOREVER to get to Christmas. Now, years fly past and days are just a blur. Surely, there should be a speed limit! ;)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Golf With New Friends

The weather was just perfect for the first day of the LGA season! Played with two new friends: Stacy on the left, myself and Tonya. I do so love to be outside chasing a golf ball! I give thanks for such a beautiful day and good company. And, thank you, ladies!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The End of THE Cake Story

This is my brother, Jeff. As you may recall, I USED my brother's birthday as a rationalization to indulge in another piece of THE cake last Friday. Little did I know, at the time I was savoring chocolate in "celebration" of his birthday, he was indeed only twenty miles away! He had come in to fish in a tournament with his son, Nathan!

We were excited to get to meet him at The Purple Pig for a sandwich and a visit!! If you are ever near Bullard, you should give it a try. YUM.

AND, I could give him a slice of birthday cake... see, it WAS for him. LOL. Thank you, Jeff! It was great to see you!! Thank goodness the temptation is finally GONE!

Monday, March 2, 2009

28 degrees and still seeing signs of spring...

It was 28 degrees yesterday and 29 degrees today as I went for my morning walk... Still, I see spring... Bluebonnets, the Texas State Flower...

Bradford Pear Trees...

Carolina Jasmine...

Not sure, but I love the bicycle... =)


And, of course, tulips... Doesn't look that cold, does it?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Favorite Poem...

"I will not die an unlived life.

I will not live in fear

Of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,

To allow my living to open me,

To make me less afraid,

More accessible,

To loosen my heart

Until it becomes a wing,

A torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance,

To live so that which came to me as seed

Goes to the next as blossom,

And that which came to me as blossom,

Goes on as fruit."

By Dawna Markova

On my 50th birthday, my beloved and my daughter surprised me with a fabulous party surrounded by my family and my dearest friends. I received the most wonderful gift... a collection of very personal blessings gathered by my daughter from my loved ones and assembled into an album. When I need a lift, I get it out and flip through, opening each individual envelope to read each individual treasure... Priceless, as the saying goes...

This poem was at each person's place setting that evening... I have it posted just to the right of my desk to see it daily... As I am waiting for my first grandchild, it is even more significant to me now... Thank you, Amanda...